The Rocky Horror Show follows Brad and Janet, a newly engaged couple who get caught in a storm and end up at the home of Dr. Frank-N-Furter, a mad scientist. There, they meet a houseful of wild characters, including a rock-n-roll biker, a creepy butler, and a eccentric maid. Watch as they witness Dr. Frank-N-Furter unveil his latest creation, Rocky, a Frankenstein-style muscle man with blonde hair and a tan! Madness and mayhem ensue in this cult classic you won't want to miss. Join us as we do the time warp again!
Brad Majors
Aaron Richard
Janet Weiss
Rana Kaddumi
Dr. Frank ‘N' Furter
Taylor Miller
Riff Raff
Alex Richard
Kristin Alarcon
Rocky Horror
Tristan Muller
Eddie / Dr Everett Scott
Robert Taylor
Claire Johanson-Muller
The Narrator
George Mauro
Trixie The Usherette
Hailey Taylor
Phantom / Transylvanian
Reagan Szulc
Aria Root
August Hartman
Addison Whitt
Keano Pavloski
Julie Moleski
Quinnel Flanagan
Kyra Rorick
Cari Lindsey
Tatiana Wilson
Production Crew
General Manager / Director
Pamela Whitchurch
Assistant Director
Risa Hetrick
Music Director
Technical Director
Paul Schildan
Production Manager
Stage Manager
Amanda Flores
Assistant Stage Manager
Maddie Taylor
Set Construction
Jim Whitchurch
Asst Set Construction
Robert Taylor
Props Manager
Connie White
Props Assistant
Amanda Taylor
Art Director
Jenny Schildan
The Venue
Sherwood Center for the Arts
22689 SW Pine St, Sherwood, OR 97140, USA